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Autopsy Study Concludes Majority of Suspected Covid Vaccine Deaths were Caused by Vaccine

Created on: 2023-08-16

The alarming number of reports of deaths following covid vaccination has raised the question of causality: are these deaths merely coincidences created by the high number of vaccines given worldwide?

A recent meta-study looked at autopsy reports where covid vaccination was at least considered as a possible cause of death. The authors searched all available studies on the matter, with 44 papers meeting their inclusion criteria, which collectively report on 325 autopsies and 1 necropsy (dead tissue analysis).

In this meta-analysis, three of the authors, with experience in death adjudication and anatomical / clinical pathology, evaluated the case reports to determine if the vaccine was the primary cause, or a significant contributory factor. In many cases, these assessors had an advantage over the original pathologists of hindsight, given that the medical community now knows more about covid vaccine side effects, e.g. the prevalence of myocarditis and blood clots as side effects.

Across all 326 cases, the average time between death and the last vaccination was 14 days. The study authors concluded that in 240 cases, i.e. 73.9% of those studied, the vaccine was the cause of death or a significant contributory factor. In an interview with Naomi Wolf, study co-author Dr McCullough comments that about a quarter were judged as unrelated to the vaccine - e.g. the person was in hospice and already close to death. But that leaves about three quarters where the vaccine was judged to be the cause or a significant contributory factor.

As disturbing as these conclusions are, what happened next is also concerning.

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