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The Case Against Vaccination - Covid, Small-Pox, and Déjà-Vu
Created on: 2023-06-02

Note: this is an expanded version of an earlier article, written for Nexus magazine, and appearing in vol. 30, #4, which has just hit the shelves. If you're not yet a Nexus reader, do check it out, it is described as: "In-depth articles on health, suppressed news, consciousness, ancient mysteries, future science, unexplained, free energy and much more, from a genuine alternative news and information magazine . . ."
On with the article . . .
Through the covid pandemic, the population divided itself very quickly into two parts. On the one side, there were those who sat terrorized by the TV set. They believed everything they saw, and followed, or at least believed in, every order, and some became self-appointed enforcers of the new rules, heaping abuse on dissenters.
On the other side, are the skeptics. We doubted the official narrative - many of us since before the first lockdown, and we've spent much of the time since pushing back against various forms of collective insanity.
After three years, the tide is turning, and many of the skeptics' views have shifted from absolute heresy, to accepted truth. For example - that the covid vaccines had very little effect on transmission, and that mask and lockdown policies were ineffective, and harmful.
Those who were early skeptics, who got most things right from early on, did not just guess lucky. The health freedom movement (to which most regular readers of this site belong) called most things right because many of us have spent years, or even decades, learning about health, from all angles, from books, articles, personal experience, and from long memories - for there are many parallels between the covid debacle and previous pandemics. Even many of the key individuals in the covid situation were involved in the last twenty or even forty years of pandemics.
But the comparisons go much further back than many realize. In fact, there is a pattern that recurs all the way back to the first vaccine - which was for small-pox. It remains relevant to understand the history of this now extinct disease, not only because of similarities of failures, but also because pro-vaccinists (as they were known a century ago) often rely on the eradication of small-pox as their defence of vaccination.
In the 1700s and 1800s small-pox was a terrifying disease, with an overall case fatality rate from . . .