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Those Damned Anti-Vaxxers

Created on: 2025-03-05

Here’s a quote. Try to guess the professional standing of the author, and the year in which it was written:

“How strange it is that, no matter what the professional or scientific attainments of a man may be, no matter how he may previously have been honored, nor what positions of preferment and trust he may have occupied, the moment he says a word against vaccination he is denounced as not knowing anything of the subject, and not being an authority in medicine.”

Any idea?

It could easily be any time post-covid, yes?

It describes the treatment of many modern speakers and writers on medicine. Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Clare Craig, or many others.

The quote was written by Professor Robert Alexander Gunn, MD . . .

in the 1880s.

- Antony


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