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Covid Day of Reflection
Created on: 2025-03-09
Modified on: 2025-03-10
Today, the UK government marked a "Day of Reflection" for Covid-19. A government page talks about "Bringing communities together."
The BBC report took us back to 2020, when the streets were empty, businesses closed, and of course the human loss.
Predictably, neither the government, nor the supine establishment mouthpiece, the BBC, mentioned:
- When Prof. Neil Ferguson presented his dire predictions of 510,000 deaths in the UK, and 2.2 million in the USA in an unmitigated pandemic, the BBC failed to challenge him on his past record of alarmist predictions, including that up to 200 million could die of bird flu in 2005. Had this been challenged at the time, the two year nightmare might have been avoided.
- That prior to covid, pandemic preparedness plans already existed, with far more moderate recommendations, which many countries, including UK, USA, and Canada, tore up during covid.
- The evidence that the first wave of covid had already peaked before the first lockdown.
- That Sweden did resist the pressure to lockdown, using focused protection instead, and faired as well or better than comparable countries which locked down.
- The Great Barrington Declaration, launched in Oct 2020, called for an end to lockdowns, and focused protection instead. This quickly gathered thousands of signatures from medical practitioners and medical & public health scientists.
This declaration was ignored, derided, or stonewalled by the establishment media. (Currently the declaration boasts over 64,000 signatures from such experts.) - That the spike in deaths in Spring 2020 was due to a number of causes, not only covid, but also dangerous protocols, including the use of ventilators. This was highlighted by a shell-shocked looking Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell in a YouTube video.
This video was swiftly removed from YouTube, but the issue was confirmed by a subsequent change in policy around the use of ventilators. - Similar concerns were raised about the harms of midazolam as a dangerous protocol for patients with already suppressed breathing.
- That many effective therapies were suppressed, including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamins C & D.
- Shocking footage of a child screaming and bleeding from the nose after being forcefully tested by staff at an airport.
- That the PCR test was misused, leading to high levels of false positives, to drive up fear. Similarly, "died with" covid was confused with "died of" in tragically bizarre situations, e.g. where someone died in a traffic accident, they might still be recorded as a covid death. The extreme cases show how unreliable the rest of the data were.
- That we saw just how easily many ordinary people could be turned into the self-appointed mask-gestapo and vaccine-enforcers. Many of our family members and former friends showed an alarming susceptibility to mob-mentality.
- And how the police enjoyed their new powers way too much. In one famous incident, they chased down, with a police helicopter, a couple hiking on their own, miles away from anyone else.
- In my home city, at a protest, a middle aged woman I know was run at by a police horse (she was forced to run to avoid injury).
- A man at the same protest, also peacefully protesting, had a police dog set on him, and was refused treatment at a nearby hospital for the bite.
- Online footage of another UK protest showed a woman, who was also peacefully protesting, have her shoulder apparently dislocated by a group of policemen who surrounded her.
- And most infamous of all was the abduction, rape and killing of Sarah Everard, whose killer, then serving Metropolitan Policeman Wayne Couzens, used the confusion of lockdown rules to commit his crimes, and who now rightly rots in jail.
- What is less well known is that Everard, according to a report I saw on social media, had been an activist against lockdowns.
- In a shocking admission of the Met' Police's incapacity to protect the public from itself, they then advised women to 'shout or wave a bus down’ if they didn't trust a male officer.
- The police further tried to stop a vigil for Everard. No such attempts were made to stop George Floyd protests that took place much earlier in the pandemic.
- Nor did the mass gatherings at George Floyd protests lead to any detectable increase in covid cases.
- And then the vaccines. Reports came thick and fast through social media of dreadful side-effects, care home residents "dropping like flies", videos of young and previously healthy people suffering almost continuous convulsions, and of course, many deaths.
- These deaths were so numerous they were even clearly visible at a population level.
E.g. these data from the Society of Actuaries show excess deaths in a large population of people with life insurance. The working age groups, 25-64, could afford life insurance, so the vast majority were in work, and therefore on average healthier than the baseline population.
Yet note the dramatic increase in excess deaths in the USA in Q3 of 2021 - coinciding with a vaccine mandate for many working people:
- That we learned that no matter how mountainous the evidence of a medical scandal of gargantuan proportions, many people simply refuse even to look at the evidence.
- And finally, that politicians from EVERY major party were found breaking the very rules they imposed on the rest of us.
That's what I remember. That's what I reflect on.
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