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Curative Crises and the Herxheimer Reaction
Created on: 2025-03-07
Modified on: 2025-03-08
You might need to feel worse on the way to being cured - here's why.
It's been known for over a century that in the course of curing a long standing illness, a patient may experience a temporary increase in symptoms.
This is often called the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, or simply the Herxheimer Reaction. In modern times, it's specifically associated with a reaction following antibiotics used to treat certain infections (e.g. E-coli, Lyme disease, syphilis). With this reaction, the patient initially feels worse, with symptoms like fever, headache, and chills.
It's believed this is due to toxins being released by parasitic organisms as they die off, though this reaction is sometimes misperceived as an allergic reaction to the antibiotics.
This reaction was observed by Adolf Jarisch when treating syphilis with mercury in 1895. Karl Herxheimer made similar observations in 1902. These were regular, orthodox doctors of the time.
However, the principle they saw was identified previously as a much broader principle in healing by Louis Kuhne, who wrote about it in 1890.
Kuhne's methods were very different from Jarisch and Herxheimer's - they were mostly a clean diet and hydrotherapy to alter the patient's temperature - simple but incredibly effective methods.

Kuhne noted that in the natural course of many diseases, the symptoms were really the body's defences, e.g. a fever is the body's attempt to throw off "morbid materials" through sweating.
He also noted that when patients followed his treatment plan, they could re-experience symptoms of diseases they'd had years previously, in a transient and milder form, on the way to making a full recovery.
He referred to this phenomenon as a "curative crisis" ("Heilkrisis").
I've worked with Kuhne's methods on and off since 2008 or earlier. They do work, but they're difficult to arrange in a modern household, and require a lot of time.
Therefore I prefer a different method, namely the use of special healing plants.
Certain plants have very powerful anti-parasite effects. The best ones for most situations don't kill, but instead stun and repel parasitic organisms which cause disease.
It sounds bad to talk about parasites, but the truth is, we've all got 'em to a degree.
The goal with these plants is to make the parasites just uncomfortable enough that they choose to leave the body, or just stunned enough that our immune systems can transport them out of the body. Ideally, we don't want them to die in the body, and spill their toxins into circulation.
Instead, the goal is to drive them to the gut, to be eliminated from the body. Ideally, the person following the protocol barely notices anything much, other than gradually feeling better, over time.
But if someone is very ill, or in a hurry to heal, then more intensive methods might be used, and with these, some symptoms may be felt transiently.
The more ill a person is, the greater the burden of parasites / morbid materials they carry, and the more sensitive they will be to anti-parasite plants.
Judgement is needed to stage the healing protocols and the doses so that the reactions they feel are safe and within tolerance.
It's also important to distinguish between a curative crisis as parasites are driven out of the body, versus actual toxicity of excessive dosing, or ill-advised protocols.
In sum
The curative crisis is known by different names within both orthodox and natural healing. Transient symptoms may be felt on the road to healing, as old causes of disease are removed from the body.
- Antony
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