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Why I stopped calling myself a “Health Coach”

Created on: 2025-03-04

The term "Health Coach" isn’t tightly defined, but there’s a common understanding of it.

When I was getting trained in healing, the course I was on wasn't much concerned with which label we used, but afterwards I and some of my fellow graduates used "Health Coach" as it was in general use.

I later took some advice from “Business / Life Coaches”. One was like, “Let me tell you how this health coaching thing works . . . With a health coach, people know what they need to do. They just need someone to help them do it, and keep them accountable.”

I heard something similar from other business gurus. Right or wrong, it was clear that that was the general perception of a "health coach".

But it doesn’t describe what I do or what I was taught.

The people who seek my help have health problems, have generally “tried everything”, both orthodox and alternative, and are at a loss, through no fault of their own, as to how to fix their health.

They’ve been dilligent, but still, they don’t know what to do, and they’re looking for answers.

It can be a long journey. When my own health collapsed, it took me years of searching and experimenting to find the right methods and mentors.

Now, when clients have a session with me, they consistently tell me they’ve never heard of the things I recommend - even if they’ve been in alternative health for decades.

So I stopped describing myself as a Health Coach a few years ago. (Though it’s still on some of my older articles.)

In the last week I was at a networking event and met somone who was a “certified health coach” from an organisation with a similar name. I asked about what she did, and she confirmed the biz gurus’ definition.

By her own statements, she helped people, for example, who weren’t especially ill, but had unhealthy eating habits, who knew it, but needed some guidance for improving them.

So as far as I can tell, the common perception of the term sounds about right, for most people using it.

And for clients who find that useful, that’s all good, but it’s not what I do, nor does this describe the people who generally seek me out. My training referred often to "Natural Healing", so 2-3 years ago I renamed myself a “Natural Healing Consultant”.

My clients tend to be people dealing with a persistent health issue, who have had enough of it, and are motivated to get better, but they just don't know how.

When we meet, we go through a process with the goal of restoring them to full health. How far they can go in that direction depends many factors, but it should be the goal - to heal as much as possible, as quickly as possible.

I'm currently running an offer for block bookings for people who are serious about their healing. If that's you, see here for details, and hit me up ASAP.

- Antony


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